Kingdom of Serbia Association’s Municipal Committee Indjija in cooperation with the Municipality of Indjija organized marking of the Liberation Day of Indjija in World War 1 on November 8th, 2016 in the park of Queen Maria.
First, the memorial service to Lieutenant Julije Vapa was held in front of the monument of the King Peter I. After that, the cultural societies “OKUD Indjija” and “Soko” performed their part of the program, and the City choir Indjija performed the national anthem.
The chairman of the Crown Council, Mr. Dragomir Acović laid wreath on behalf of HRH Crown Prince Alexander on the monument of King Peter I the Great Liberator, as well as the mayor of Indjija Mr. Milan Predojević, Vice President of the Executive Board of the Kingdom of Serbia Association, Mr. Predrag Medenica, as well as representatives of the Army of Serbia and the Association of Descendants of the warriors 1912 – 1920.
You can see the entire picture gallery HERE