The Kingdom of Serbia Association’s City Board of Novi Sad organized the discussion about the book “The people monarchy” by author Ivan Solonjevic in gallery “Zrno slovesnosti” on May 21st, 2015.

The book was presented by Mr. Dragomir Acovic, a member of the Privy Council, Deacon Nenad Jovanovic, religious teacher and a representative of the publisher – Center for Research of Orthodox monarchism and priest Bosko R. Marinkov, pastor in Mosorin.

Deacon Jovanovic met visitors with the work of the Center for Research of Orthodox monarchism, and Mr. Acovic with the time in which the book was created and with originality of the ideas of its author, Ivan Solonjevic.

A special contribution to this discussion was given by the cultural program performed by the Children’s musical center “Notica” and Mrs. Jovana Miljus Grbic.

You can listen the audio recording on the link:

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