Stefan Milanovic

Stefan Milanovic

Meet Stefan Milanović, born on August 13, 1992, in Ćuprija, with roots in the serene village of Rasevica near Paracin. His academic journey began in Potočac for primary education, followed by a move to Belgrade in 2006, where he pursued his high school education.

In 2011, Stefan graduated from the Geodetic Technical School in Belgrade, marking the beginning of his academic achievements. He further enriched his knowledge by earning a degree in Geology from the Faculty of Mining and Geology in 2018.

The same year brought significant personal milestones, as he embraced the roles of husband and father. Despite his extensive involvement in civic activities, Stefan maintains a non-affiliated stance, not aligning with any political party, movement, or organization.

Stefan’s journey with the Kingdom of Serbia Association commenced on June 17, 2010, shaping his commitment to its causes. From November 2011 to February 2013, he served as the President of the King’s Youth for Belgrade, later assuming the presidency of youth at the association level.

With exceptional communication and collaboration skills, Stefan is fluent in English. Currently, he leads the IT sector at the Royal Palace, a role he has embraced with dedication.

His journey with the Kingdom of Serbia Association continued, witnessing his election as the President of the King’s Youth in 2014 and subsequent re-elections in 2016. The years that followed saw Stefan’s ascent within the association, from a Managing Board member in 2018 to the Vice President in 2020 and a re-election in 2022.

Since 2013, Stefan has tirelessly coordinated volunteer activities supporting the Royal House, showcasing his commitment beyond official roles. His multifaceted involvement includes participation in humanitarian activities, receptions, conferences, and organizational efforts surrounding significant events like state funerals and celebrations.

Stefan actively participated in initiatives such as the campaign to change the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia into the Constitution of the Kingdom of Serbia in November 2016.

In summary, Stefan Milanović is not just a professional in the IT field; he is a dedicated individual contributing significantly to the Kingdom of Serbia Association and its noble causes.