The Association of the Kingdom of Serbia under the patronage of HRH Crown Prince Alexander congratulates all its members and sympathizers as well as all monarchists and people of good will of the Orthodox faith who respect the Julian calendar on the most joyous Christian holiday Christmas, with the traditional greeting: Peace on Earth! Christ is born!

We wish you all the best from the God, and may the God grant you true love and happiness and success in every aspect of your life. In the coming days in 2023, try to overcome all difficulties and improve yourself in the pursuit of being better people, imitating the values left to us by our savior whose birth we celebrate today.

As monarchists, in our life and work we encounter special temptations that question our loyalty to the idea that brought us together day by day. As good Christians, we must know how to respect traditional values and the order we stand for. God’s fifth commandment says: “Honor your father and your mother, that it may be well with you and that you may live long on earth.” Therefore, we have no dilemma as to how we should behave and conduct ourselves in our work and efforts to preserve the spirit of monarchy in our nation, as well as who has the right from God and the call to be the restorer of that order.

We respect the freedom of the individual to make their own decisions, for which they will be responsible both before his conscience and before our entire people. All those who broker and build their happiness and personal benefit on other people’s suffering and misfortune, we strongly condemn and tell them that no lasting goals or successes can be ruined in this way, no matter how much it may have seemed to them that they achieved some results at the time. Their selfishness shows that they think only of their own private interest and that the sanctity of the monarchist idea is not at all close to them. By abusing their position in this way, they do immeasurable damage to this noble idea.

Our Association exists and has been working for more than 14 years. The time and circumstances in which it was created, developed and worked are not the same as the moment we live in today. For this reason, changes are necessary that will allow us to successfully continue our mission that we have accepted and for which we stand. We believe that the decisions we have made and the steps we have taken are necessary and will contribute to the successful continuation of our work. Irresponsibility, neglect of duty and politicking will no longer be tolerated, regardless of who it comes from and under whose name it is hidden. Personal interests of individuals, vanity and unrealized ambitions cannot be an obstacle to the successful work of our organization.

A lot of work and effort and a lot of important and difficult decisions await us in the coming period. We are ready to carry that burden together with our high patron HRH the Crown Prince Alexander in order to reach the final realization of our ideals – the re-establishment of the constitutional parliamentary monarchy in Serbia.

In Belgrade, on Christmas 2022

Miloš Pavković
President of the Association of the Kingdom of Serbia