Kingdom of Serbia Association’s Municipal Committee in Plandiste organized delivery of Christmas gifts for the children on Christmas Eve, January 6th, 2016. This humanitarian event is traditional, it is called “Gift for everybody”, and 90 children from the Municipality of Plandiste got presents this year.

Our Committee provided 50 gifts for the children from socially and financially vulnerable families and 40 children of our members and other residents of the municipality also got presents, which were provided by their parents.

Our goal was for all children to feel equal and that through the joint play and company of each other, they all feel the joy of Christmas.

Presents were delivered in motel “Platan” in Plandiste.

The children were greeted by President of the Municipality Plandiste, Mr. Milan Selakovic, and by Vice-president of the Association’s Municipal Committee, Mr. Momcilo Bolta.

The children’s choir which sang Christmas carols and actress from the Vrsac Theater, Mrs. Sonja Radosavljevic performed for the children, in entertainment part of the program.

President of the Plandiste Committee, Mr. Alexander Malevski gave the pins of the Association with the monogram of HRH Crown Prince Alexander to Mr. Selakovic and Mrs. Radosavljevic as a token of gratitude for their help in the realization of this event.

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