The Kingdom of Serbia Association, the largest NGO in Serbia, which is under the patronage of the Crown Prince, celebrated on Friday 1 December 2023 the15th anniversary of its work by holding a reception at the White Palace, in the presence of TRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine.

The official part of the ceremony started with the National Anthem of Serbia, followed by the address of His Royal Highness. After the Crown Prince, Mr. David Petrovic, President of the King’s Youth, youth section of the Association, and Mr. Milos Pavkovic, President of the Association spoke about the achievements and presented future plans. The event was attended by His Excellency the Ambassador of Kazakhstan, Mr. Madi Atamkulov, together with other members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of the Army of Serbia, Members of the Crown Council Mr. Vladan Zivulovic, Mr. Zoran Zivanovic, and Mr. Darko Spasic, members of the political, cultural, and public life of Serbia, and many other distinguished guests.

“I would like to thank all the members of the Association who worked hard and promoted the idea of constitutional parliamentary monarchy in Serbia, over the past 15 years. With your efforts, you have made a great contribution to removing the consequences of decades of negative propaganda against the Royal Family Karadjordjevic, but a long way is still ahead of you. Fighting for truth is never an easy path to take, but it is always right and righteous.

The Kingdom of Serbia Association is not a political organization and gathers all people regardless of their political, religious, national or any other orientation. Constitutional parliamentary monarchy is an excellent solution for Serbia, but only if it is the will of our people. It is up to you to continue working towards that goal, which will make our homeland a better place for all citizens”, stated HRH Crown Prince Alexander in his speech.

The Kingdom of Serbia Association (KS) was founded by a group of Belgrade University students in 2008 and was first called King’s Youth. The association was established as a non-profit, non-governmental, and non-party organization, under the patronage of HRH Crown Prince Alexander, with the goal of restoring the constitutional parliamentary monarchy in Serbia. This group of young people, convinced that the restoration of constitutional monarchy can help Serbia, has managed with their positive activities to encourage both the younger and the older population to join them.

Because of the wish of many people older than 26 years to join them, since January 2010 King’s Youth as a brand continued to operate as a youth section of the greater organization – Kingdom of Serbia Association. The Association is open to everybody, regardless of their political, ethnic, or religious affiliation. Membership grows every day, and currently, the Association has over 21,000 members and is the largest NGO in Serbia.