President of the Kingdom of Serbia Association, Mr. Mario Majstorovic and Vice president of Executive board for Eastern Serbia, Mr. Dejan Blagojevic visited Association’s board in Petrovac on Mlava on June 11th, 2015.
Mr. Majstorovic and Mr. Blagojevic were welcomed by president of the board, Mr. Dejan Stojadinovic, and secretary of the board, Mr. Dobrica Milosavljevic, and on behalf of the local government – vice president of the Municipal Assembly, Mr. Milance Acimovic.
The meeting was held in the small hall of the Municipal Assembly, and after the meeting Mr. Majstorovic addressed to the representatives of the media. He said that he is satisfied with the work of the Municipal Board in Petrovac and that he is satisfied with the Board’s plans for future work.
Later, the delegation laid wreath to the monument of HM King Alexander I in village Tabanovac, and they also visited Gorrnjak monastery and spa Zdrelo.
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