Delegation of the Kingdom of Serbia Association visited Kosovo and Metohija on Vidovdan, Jun 28th, 2017. The host of the celebration was Mr. Gradimir Mikic, member of the Kingdom of Serbia Association’s Advisory Body.


The visit began with the Holy Liturgy,followed with Procession through Velika Ropotova and continued with the prayer for the Prince Lazar in Prilep, his native city.

After that, we attended the ceremonial session of the municipality of Ranilug, where we exchanged gifts with the hosts, and finally, lunch for all guests was organized in restaurant “Royal King”,.

The delegation was led by the Vice-President of the Executive Board for Vojvodina, Mr. Predrag Medenica, and also consisted of Mr. Dragan Božić, President of City Committee Sremska Mitrovica and at the same time a representative of the Local Community Bloc B Sremska Mitrovica, Duško Kočalka, Trustee for the Žitište municipality and Dragan Kalic, Trustee for Zrenjanin, as well as Uroš Milinković, a representative of the Association’s trustee from Bijeljina.


You can see the entire picture gallery HERE