Speech by President of the Kingdom of Serbia Association, Mr. Mario Majstorovic, held at Ravna Gora on May 8th, 2015, at the traditional celebration organized by Ravna of Gora movement remembering the day when Colonel and later General Dragoljub Mihailovic came to the Ravna gora.
Honorable members of the clergy,
Dear representatives of Ravna Gora movement,
Brothers and sisters,
Words cannot express what kind of special honor it is to stand in this place, and how proud we feel standing here. Great deeds of our ancestors have been an inexhaustible inspiration for generations of admirers of Ravna Gora movement in an attempt to revive another part of our glorious but prohibited, and almost forgotten history.
Ravna gora is yet another symbol of our people’s eternal struggle for freedom, the preservation of centuries-old tradition and another monument in the multitude of those who are covering the entire Serbia.
We must never forget the great work of the Uncommitted Commander of the Royal Army, General Dragoljub Mihailovich and his fighters, the Chetniks and the patriots who lit the flames of the third Serbian uprising in this holy place and transferred it all across the libertarian Serbia.
We cannot remember our ancestors, the heroes from the Cer and Kolubara battles, the martyrs of the Albanian Golgotha, on the centenary year of their immortal works, without mentioning and celebrating the heroes from Ravna gora. They are the thread that connects us with heroes from mountain Cer, because they were role models for general Mihailovic and his patriots, and they all grew up, lived and died with the memory on the WWI heroes. They all lived by one principle that was indivertible for them, for King and the Fatherland for the Kingdom of Serbia.
Standing in this place, we can not but recall the words that His Majesty Great King Alexander the First said to his comrades before the Battle of Cer, telling them about the heroes from Kumanovo, avengers of Kosovo:
“You need to remember that you are descendants of these giant heroes and that in your veins flows their heroic blood … living and doing so, by their bright example, the souls of our ancestors, looking at us from the heavenly heights, will fill pleasure and delight in seeing that we are their worthy descendants! “
The words were heard by general Mihailovic, and he accepted them. His answer was: “I do not recognize the capitulation! That word does not exist in the Serbian military vocabulary! “Thus defending the glory and honor of his King Peter II, his people and homeland, he chose the path of suffering and glory.
We have to be proud, but we also must ask ourselves whether we are worthy?
We, and our fathers, all equally guilty, are the ones who let Serbia, after such giants, be dominated by the miniatures who are not worthy. Centuries-long era of light and enlightenment of our people were swapped overnight, as well as our Orthodox faith, for a poor dinner, leaving the King and Ravna gora, such as Cer and Kolubara, Orasac and Takovo to go to oblivion.
But today, by renewing Ravna Gora we are renewing ourselves and we are returning to the right path. By returning King, we are returning pride back to Ravna Gora, inherited from Cer Mountain.
We have lost a lot of time, but it is important that we are headed in the right direction. It is up to us to bring this issue that is vital to the survival of our country and our nation to the end. There is only one key word that will be our victory: UNITY, brothers and sisters, as the verses of our national anthem say, UNITY will defeat the devil and be the strongest Serbian pillar.
If we want to be able to go to our ancestors with our heads high, we must do everything to succeed, and so, the message from this holy place has to be clear – long live the king, long live Kingdom of Serbia!
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